Ellen Linde Art

Expressing life through creativity


Kategori: Art, Inspiration, Meditation

As I am turning 25 and is my last day closer to 0 than to 50 (as my mum so nicely put it) I would like to share some wisdom I have gained from my 25 years in this life. Growing up in the smallest and safest place on earth (I would honestly bet on it) to travelling and moving places has changed my perspective a lot and especially the two years here in Malta has changed my life and really tested my strength, patience as well as taught me a lot so far. Just not the maltse language yet…

Art has always been with me and without it I would be truly restless. Creating is like opening the channels of life force itself. You let life into creation. It has to be continuously developed and explored. My art has to be ever evolving. My life have to involve dance, painting, drawing, music, and the different paths to explore are really endless.

If you want something - only hard work and a lot of sacrefices will take you where you want.

What I want, is freedom, not only for me but for the most innocent. I am proudly on my sixth yeah as vegan and confirm from knowledge and experience. Weight, health, sickness, happiness, or just wish for change in the world around us itself, there is just one way and realizing only you can make that change is what empowers the long-lasting choice of living. Anyone can change habbits with enough convenience, which only comes from knowledge and experience. Internet has now allowed us to be educated within minutes on any subject – the difference is up to only me. Daily habbits which does not harm anyone or anything but in fact I spare lives and makes the world a better day every day – with just this one foundation.

All the emotions still exist but my life in general turned into something different. The pain will still exist but in another way as I understand the suffering of other beings and the world.


I wish all around me to be healthy and happy, which is possible with just changing the foundation of our most natural habbits. We just have to help each other realizing it.


2018 has been very dramatic and I think the only thing is to do like the munks and embrace it with open arms – I will do my best and I truly cannot wait to share our creations with the world

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